The Next Steps

“In my distress I called upon the Lord; to my God I cried for help. From his temple he heard by voice, and my cry to him reached his ears.”

Psalm 18:6

On January 3rd, it was decided at our family meeting…that Veya needed to be intubated should she experience a cardiac arrest.  (a process in which a tube is inserted through the mouth or nose, then down into their trachea) The tube keeps the trachea open so that air can get through.  The tube is connected to a machine that delivers air or oxygen to Veya.  To keep her comfortable while intubated, they had to sedate her with fentanyl. This was hard for us to learn…and to be honest I don’t think we will ever be okay with this precious little girl on such strong sedatives and medication.  However, we understand with her fragile state, she requires it… but we pray it won’t be too harsh on her little body and that it won’t cause further problems for her down the road.

Within hours of being intubated and sedated, Veya began to stabilize.  By the following morning her stats were dramatically better, and her evening fevers broke!  Veya was comfortable and resting for the first time in two weeks! “We can’t explain it, it’s mysterious how quickly things stabilized” her doctor said to us.  “We can explain it” Jer and I said smiling.  “We were praying alongside so many others.  It was God!”

Our Heavenly Father heard our cries!  Thank you to everyone who continues to cry out with us and carry us in their prayers! Having you walk alongside us has been such a blessing and one we do not take for granted! 


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