Celebrating a Win

Elijiah was praying for rain and kept sending his servant to look for evidence and then this happened: Finally, the seventh time, his servant told him, “I saw a little cloud about the size of a man’s hand rising from the sea.” Then Elijiah shouted, “Hurry to Ahab and tell him, “Climb into your chariot and go back home. If you don’t hurry, the rain will stop you!” Listen to his excitement. He shouted! Oh, I love that.  And if it didn’t happen on the seventh time, he would have kept sending his servant back until it did. 

 Every day that we visited with Veya this week, we’d get so excited for the small updates from the nephrology team because there is evidence that her kidneys are healing! Her creatinine and urea levels have been on a steady decline day by day. We don’t need to wait until her kidneys are fully healed to be excited, we are already praising God because the evidence of the “little cloud” is very clear.  Healing is on the way for her kidneys! There is always evidence of God’s work in our life to get us excited that we are heard, loved and not alone. To say that we are so incredibly thankful for this blessing from God would be an understatement.  As I am writing, the team decided to start challenging her kidneys and have stopped her dialysis cycles as of Friday afternoon at 3pm.  They reassessed things Saturday afternoon and were very pleased with her blood work and urine output that she is currently going into her second night without dialysis!  Veya also had an ultrasound done on her kidneys which showed that she has a clot in her right kidney.  So, the team will administer a blood thinner medication to her in hopes that it will help clear it in due time.

 Earlier in the week, Veya also spiked fevers again, and with thankfulness they were able to identify the root cause to these fevers and have been treating her for a UTI that she contracted from her catheter. Her fevers have since subsided and she is nearing the end of her antibiotics for the UTI. 

The other goal for Veya this week was to have her completely removed from her Nitric Oxide Machine.  They managed to wean her from .5 down to .1.  They attempted a few times throughout the week to take her off it but her oxygen/respiratory stats dropped significantly.  They gave it one last shot Friday morning while I was there but unfortunately, she struggled yet again.  I just need to comment on how amazing her nurses have been.  They really start to feel like family because you spend so much time with them that we are getting to know them so well.  She had a lovely senior nurse coach her through coming off nitric that morning and it brought tears to my eyes because she loves our little girl so much.  She tenderly stroked Veya’s face while singing to her, trying to keep her calm while encouraging her breath work as I stood off on the side.

 Watching Veya struggle with her oxygen for those 16 minutes was not easy, especially because there was nothing, I could do…and we haven’t been able to hold our daughter (since January 11th) to help calm and soothe her through everything… yet in that moment God granted His peace to me.  I could really feel His presence in that room with us.  It physically felt like God took His hand and placed it gently on my back, while we all cheered Veya on to try to do this on her own… it was like He whispered to me that it just wasn’t her time yet but that he’ll get her there.  I don’t think I’ll shake that feeling / moment for a long time.  It was truly amazing.  The plan now is for the team to increase her Sildenafil medication once again (this is the medication that works in the same way that the Nitric Oxide Machine does) and attempt one more time next week to take her off Nitric.  If they cannot successfully wean her from it, then cardiology will need to regroup and figure out their next steps for her.  Currently there is talks about setting her up for possibly two procedures (that would have to be done at Sick Kids) The first procedure they might try would be to run catheter lines up through her groin and to her heart and lungs to get a more accurate reading as to what is going on with the blood flow and pressures in those areas.  They are wondering if they are missing something that the echocardiograms are not clearly showing them because it’s very rare to not be able to wean someone off Nitric who is sitting at just .1 down to 0.  She isn’t receiving much nitric at all yet it’s puzzling her team as to why her stats are significantly affected when they do so.  Then depending on the results, they get from that procedure they may consider putting what is called a Pulmonary Artery Band around her heart.  This would help control the over circulation caused by the large left to right shunts. If she receives this, it could also bid them more time in allowing her to grow more before surgery as well.  So, there is much to discuss and figure out in these next two weeks.

 There is so much in this day to celebrate, to be glad about, to be thankful for.  This is the day the Lord has made.  We are not a cup half full or a cup half empty…. our cup runneth over.  Thank you everyone for your faithfulness to pray, you have been carrying us from the start and we ask that you may pray specifically for Veya and her team as we head into next week…that if it be the Lord’s Will….she may successfully come off her Nitric Oxide Machine.

“Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for the tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own troubles." 

Matthew 6:34


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